Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I admire that guy,
that loves his girl so much,
that protects her even if he knows that he may lose in a fight,
that is willing to give her his everything,
even if he has 2bucks left.
that keeps her warm in his arms,
kiss her forehead every night to sleep,
that appreciates whatever she does for him,
that smiles when she is sad,
and laughs when she is happy,
that feeds her and puts her to bed,
is willing to be stupid in front of her,
tease her, spoils her with sweet stuff,
hugs her to sleep in the night,
never let her suffer,
never let her tears fall for sadness,
never gets drunk in a club,
never throws temper to her,
cares for how she feels,
respects her,
understands that what she does is all for his good.
appreciates her..

I admire....

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