-Its something stupid..but..its for you..miss you too much..gone crazy and than had this crazy idea..hope you won't mind..the 1st song is jay chou chai hong edited..(remember?)than its the zhang zi chen song edited..(you noe larh)..than its a song i made after we broke up..(aiks!)the last song is..jaychou n wen lan wu ding(just one sentence)..
Something i made
I still am trying,
trying to forget,
but all i'm thinking,
is nothing,except,
you in my mind,
smiling and saying,
how you love me,
this and that,
All i can see is,
memories we had,
Like fairytale stories,
but the ending was bad,
I regret of treating you not right,
crying and blaming,
is a waste of time..
_all that is left are memories_