Monday, February 9, 2009

2nd day of CNY


We went to relatives house.Eat the 'lou sang'.Haha!My Dai gor keep on eat people's food;My second brother takjing to my cousin;my sister cam whorering with everyone;My aunt busy talking to her ffor me..take video lo..haha..Was suppose to go red box tonight,but..cancelled..Potong stim!!Oh ya..and my sister did my nails for me..Damn

the Fisrt day of C N Y

My tong yun..; )

Morning I help my aunt to do the "Tong Yun''.haha..We,brothers and sisters went to the Taman SEA primary school badminton court to play badminton.It was Damn funny..haha..Nothing much happened on that day because mostly 1st day of chinese new year nothing to do one.zZ..