Friday, January 30, 2009

The big family dinner on actual day


-This is fun.All cousins and brothers were here.Nice!My aunt made alot and alot and alot of food!Delicious somemore!Eat till i'm full.But..people were suppose to eat on chinese new year..leave the lose weight aside.haha!Many good and tasty food in the new years,why waste?!!year once only leh.haha.ohya!Back to the family dinner,saying it in a simple way dinner was great!and..I'm happy!!

Dinner at yuen's steamboat buffet


-Having a family dinner.It was jam!My dad was mumbling that why did i intro him this restaurant and all because it was far and he was hungry.haha!It was a miracle that my sis n my 3rd bro reached there first,because they were always showing up late.hah!The food was great!We talk rubbish,take pictures.My sister was beautiful.LOL!but serious!WE ate for 2 hours and went home.My 3rd brother paid the bil,he said he found a job so he should do something for us.Wuah!!He is all grown up..

Friday, January 23, 2009

22Jan2009 ''group study'?

-a day at mcd,so call group study.

cyber day again

-Now in cyber.Almost every week also go.Today,with bi n james.Well..nothing much to do so i blog.i don't play games also.1week holiday!!Chinese new year! means ang pao.Haha!hmm..wonder how is yuen n lian doing.Tonight,got dinner with family.Hope that they won't start their topic about what i'm going to be next time or whether i'll pass my spm.Gosh!I m actually that stupid and useless to them.Haih!They don't let me take the 1st step.They don't believe me.WHY?????

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


-Woah!!haven't been blogging for a really long time.Boring!!School re-open..Time pass real fast.I mean seriously fast!Lets see what do i have to say.oh ya!byebye..bye to what?Hmm..Bye bye 'wu ding',byebye to the person that i really did love so so so so so so so so so much.I was trying to be nice and all,but.. you pushed it too hard this time,u don't only broke my heart,you BURNED it!SMASHED it!CHOP it into tiny tiny pieces..ITS ENOUGH!!!For all the things i did for you,you treat me like nothing?not even a FRIEND!haha!!I m not going to waste my time anymore,NO I WON'T ANYMORE..

Bye promises,
Bye songs that reminds me of you,
Bye sweet smile,
Bye places we've been before that has sweet memories,
Bye to you..

You regret?I regret MORE!!